Discover CultuAR
A technological solution unlike any other, which showcases the values of your municipality

AMT Smart Destinations Awards. Best Interactive tool for tourists and citizens | 2022

Named as one of the 20 Startups that will lead the future of rural tourism | 2021

Chosen one of the 22 spanish companies that will change tourism | 2021

AR VISION. Best Spanish Startup Company | 2019
AR thought for tourists and visitors
Main features
Main features
Benefits for your municipality

1 month long implementation

App usage data

Up-to-the-minute content management with the Operator Panel

3D reconstructions for AR
Benefits for the visitor

Available 24/7, 365 days a year


Offline content

Trustworthy and official source of culture and historical information

The first AR destiny network in Europe
A network with more than 200 municipalities

Join the first AR destiny network in Europe

Join the first AR destiny network in Europe

3D modeling of cultural heritage
Bring history alive! History in the palm of your hand! Past, present and future… Experience AR for yourself!
Join the CultuAR community!